
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Dinner ~

Dinner at Thai Express
Saturday - 25.09.2010 - Jurong Point
Me and Lam and My Brother

My Brother and My Dear 

 Funny Face.. wakaka

Before and After

My Brother

Monday - On leave today - Exam

今天是我最后一张考试了,因为平时都没读书所以今天很早就起身读书了.当我考完试出来,我第一个想到的人就是他. 我好开心因为我终于都自由了,终于都能放下心中的压力. 
晚上和我的好姐妹聊了好久的电话,好久都没这样的好好聊天了.和她聊了过后才发觉其实我的问题和她现在所面对的问题,其实我的是小问题. 我缺乏的是勇气. 我希望有一天自己能拿出勇气,面对我们的未来. 朋友提起了我最担心的问题,说真的虽然我还年轻生小孩还不是时候,但我始终还是个女生,难免会害怕自己将来会不孕. 迟早还是要面对这害怕..

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Happy Mooncake Festival


又到吃月饼,提灯笼的夜晚了.不过因为男友要做工的关系所以不能和他一起庆祝,想不到我们的第一个中秋就没的度过. 老实说当他说不能陪我的时候,我真的不怎么开心因为昨晚他答应我今晚会陪我的. 但也没办法, 是他的女朋友就要体谅他. 
刚刚我看回我之前的部落格. 2008年,那时的我还在吉隆坡读书也因为考试所以不能回家和家人庆中秋,而弟弟就在新加坡做工. 自从我来了新加坡,一家人也都比较多机会吃饭. 最让我难忘的是,就上一次lam到我家玩,到晚饭时,我阿嬷竟然自己坐下来的和我们一起吃晚饭.真的很难的因为以前我们无论我们怎样叫她,怎样拉她,她都不要和我们一起坐着吃晚饭. 

希望明年一家人能一起庆中秋. 祝大家中秋节快乐 ............

Monday, September 20, 2010

Photo ~ Photo

Bad mood these few days. I don't know how to describe my feeling now. Am I sad? Feel want to leave from here?

These photos are took when I'm waiting for him. My friend said that I'm look like not happy from these photos.

No matter what will happened, I will love u forever :)

I like this photo and the feeling :)

Today is my Dear sister-Yee Lee's birthday, Happy Birthday to her. I wish Yee Lee will dream come true. And thank Q to my friends, thank for your concern.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Dinner ~


Yesterday i was having dinner with my dear at Swensens,Jurong Point (sweet^^). This place was choose by me. The environment there is not romantic and a bit noisy because has 2 Malay girls and 1 Malay guy were siting beside me. I ordered salmon 'n' mushroom pasta, BBQ half chicken for our main dish and my dear ordered an appetizer for me (Deep Fried Mushroom). At the end i dint order any dessert for myself because i can't finish it.

Next time i will order this because i want to try this long time ago :(

Hahaha.. My dear is so ugly when he is eating.

Actually he knew I'm in bad mood and he tried to make me happy. As long as I'm not too much, he will do everything for me and let me do what i want to do. I did not tell him my worry because I do not know how to face the problem. Anywhere, my dear, thank you.When I'm not happy,when I'm disappointed, when I'm down, when I'm happy, he always stayed with me and make me felt very happy.

This afternoon, my friend told me that the bangkok trip will be canceled, feel so sad now. I look forward to this trip for a long time a long time, but at the end they said don't want to go because all the time is not fit. Haiz.. Hard to join together.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My long weekend - Part II

My dear sister's birthday celebration :- 

After dinner with my family, everyone is tired so we choose to go back home. After shopping, my dear sisters and I have a date. We are reached home at 8.45pm and take a break before the party start. 20 minutes after the break, we (WeiYin,YeeLee,EYen, Lam and Me) started our clubbing night(crazy night) at Melaka. Originally we have decided to go Aloha but at the end the we changed the arena for our clubbing night. I ordered a liquor for the party(Actually I don't like to drink beer) - YeeLee's birthday party. Let's start our party at Arena:-

 Drunk because of this liquor - Hennessy

Happy Birthday To My Dear - YeeLee

4 in Love - EYen, YeeLee, Hui Ting, Wei Yin
 Kiss Kiss ~ Kissing our birthday girl (middle). This kiss is filled up with our love & our friendship. 

 My dear has a stupid face.. Beauty & Beast :)

Take 1
 Take 2
Take 3

 Take 4

Take 5

 Take 6

 Take 7

 Take 8

The guys there thought we are come from Singapore, but I told them honestly we are Malaysian  not Singaporean.

That night, Wei Yin is drunk and kept crying at Arena because she is sad and she said she is missing her EX boyfriend. haha.. I miss the chance to record down the video when my dear WeiYin is crying. She is so ugly When she is crying. My dear is sad but we cant do anything and only can give her a big big hug. I hope she can forget all the unhappy things(Especially is her EX boyfriend) and happy everyday, smile everyday. My Dear, don't worry, we are always beside u and support u. Don't worry, we are best best best friend wherever u r. YeeLee, WeiYin, Small Lai, Joanne Koh, I LOVE U ~ Muackssss ~~~~You are my dear forever. 

Anywhere, I have a happy party with  my dear sisters.

Monday, September 13, 2010

My long weekend - Part I


因为答应了要带我家的两个妹妹去马六甲所以下午我们就五人行去shopping. 好久都没看到他们那么开心了,我们只顾着拍照结果都没什么买到什么东西. 
拿着相机的是我大妹妹而拿着手机的是我小妹妹 - 两个妹妹都那么喜欢拍照.  
到了high tea的时间,我的宝贝妹妹说想要吃蛋糕,所以我这姐姐就很大方的请她吃secret recipe的蛋糕.我们点了black forest & marble cheese cake,我的小妹当然点了她最爱吃的冰淇淋.

我们只拍black forest的蛋糕却忘了把marble cheese cake拍下,真浪费!

这就是我的大妹妹了- 小时候她很胖的,所以长大了就很会吃(很会吃好料)
这就是我的小妹妹,她在忙着吃她的冰淇淋. 好大杯..
Take 3 is me - drinking my orange juice which dear ordered for me :)

晚餐时间(其实high tea & dinner的时间距离才一小时多而已,大家都肚子饿了.男友的介绍,所以我们选择了一间韩国餐馆-Seoul Garden.我们很幸运因为服务员只算我们三个大人,两个小孩的收费. 可能是因为大家都累所以都吃了很多. 尤其是我大妹妹吃最多因为我们不停的把食物都推给她.Lam说今天吃的最值得就是我大妹妹了因为小孩的收费,大人的食量.

Take 1 - Preparing
Take 2 - Ur dinner
Take 3 - Mummy eating , then we taking photo :)

Take 4 - Photo again ~
Take 5 - Serious & busy
Take 6 - Photo with my dear
Take 7 - Fulled ald ~