
Friday, June 25, 2010

Raining Day


想到下雨天要出门搭巴士,那样的感觉很讨厌. 但如果想到下雨天能在家里与周公约会,那感觉真的很舒服. 下雨天总是让人有种懒洋洋的心情,让人更想赖在床上或赖在爱人的怀里. 

下雨天让我想起一首歌"I don't want to talk about it",这首真的很伤感也很适合在这样的天气细听. 想起那段很深刻的爱情,现在已经不再属于我了但我却曾经拥有. 属于我的或许不是最好的,曾经拥有或许能留下一些美丽的回忆. 两个人不一定是幸福,一个人未必是寂寞的. 曾经的爱情,我都把它放在我心里的最深处,那天当我想起了他就把它当成一本爱情故事书阅读. 曾经的错误不能重蹈复测,珍惜现在才是最重要.


Sunday, June 20, 2010



当我看到这张照片,我就想到两个人之间的爱情. 其实一段感情是需要两个人去维持. 就好像鞋子,少了一只就完整了就没办法继续穿着它,拥有它了..
其中一只鞋子坏了有裂痕了,就会把它丢了或让了给别人. 人的感情也一样,当其中一方变了心或不再有感情,自然的就想放弃或放手.  所以到底要怎样才能维持一段感情呢?其实我真的不知道答案是什么.

我很努力的去维持一段年龄相差十一岁的感情,虽然我不知道结果是什么,但就想为了他做些什么. 有时候我会觉得他忽略了我,但却因为他说的一句话而觉得他是在乎我的.  有时候当我生气时我就想说不要理他,但看见电话响起而名字是他,心里就莫名其妙的高兴. 是我变了吗?虽然他总是说他要求不是很高,但我的压力却没减少反而不断的增加. 我没有接触过他的生活圈子,更不知道他的生活圈子是怎样,也因为这样我对我自己越来越没安全感...


Sunday, June 13, 2010


Finally I have my own Digital SLR camera, I LOVE it.

Name: Canon EOS550D
Lens: EF S18-135 IS
Date of birth: 12.06.2010

Yesterday i was bought a digital SLR camera at IT fair and i get many free gifts from the Canon shop. The camera is comes with the crumpler bag and the crumpler bag is FREE. Don't think that's a normal bag or a cheap bag, actually the bag is quite expensive if buy from crumpler shop, market price is S$100 plus. Other free gifts that i received are HD Media Player, 8GB memory card and tripod but i dont know how to use the HD Media Player.(hehe^^). Anyone can teach me?

Let's me show you the photos:

❤ Yup, this is the free gift which i get yesterday. I was really quite excited when i get the camera. To be honest, the camera is very expensive but for me it is valuable. Last few months I just bought a Canon digital camera and the model of digital camera is ixus 120. That's first time i spent my money on a camera. Though i have the digital SLR but i still LOVE my digital camera.

❤ This is crumpler bag"s logo, very cute right? I will take a good care it. Let's me give it a kiss 1st (muacksssss.....). My cousin and me are using the same model camera and bag. 

 ❤ This is the box for camera EOS550D.

❤ EF Lens Work III, i must read the book if i really want to be a photographer.

any information:

Friday, June 11, 2010

IT Fair

I went IT fair 2010 yesterday at Suntec City with Rachel and the PC Show will span over four days from 10 to 13 June, that's 1st time i went IT fair. The Suntec hall is quite big.Most product prices are not too different from originally advertised, freebies are always welcomed by most customers. I don't know which company the black and blue guy from :) but they are very cute.
Actually my purpose to go PC fair is looking for canon camera - model(EOS550D). I'm still considering now. "want to buy or not?".. haiz.. I want to be a photographer but .. Never mind, i still have 1 day to think about it.